سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن


صفحه خانگی پارسی یار درباره



کلمات ناقص زیر را به طور کامل باز نویسی کنید(3)

1. There are many countr___es all over the world.

2. Children go to kinde___garten when they are three or four years old.

3. People didn"t pay much atten___ion to him.

4. These monkeys live in the j___ngles of hot lands.

5. We shouldn"t pick be___utiful flowers in parks.

6. The monkey drops the coconuts do___n to the farmer.

7. Jack is a wi___e boy.

8. He never drives when he feels sle___py.

9. Newton did not le___ve the problem to go to breakfast.

10. Our teacher has a lo___d voice.

11. The man lau___hed and said, " I don"t think the bus will come today".

12.The snowplow was p___shing all the snow to the sides of the road.

با استفاد از کلمات داده شده جملات زیر را کامل کنید.(یک کلمه اضافی است)(4)

alone- pretty- solve- comfortable- borrow- field- until- raise- grass.


1. Try to ____________ your problems by yourself.

2. Farmers ____________ plants and vegetables.

3. Students can go to the school library to ____________ some books.

4. George played ____________ in the park last week.

5. The cows are eating ____________ in the field.

6. This armchair is very ____________. You can rest on it.

7. You can"t go out ____________ the bell rings.

8. My uncle has a ____________ garden.

جملات زیر را با نوشتن کلمه مناسب کامل کنید.(2)

1. Please wait in the ----------------- until I come back.

2. You need it when you go shopping. It is ----------------.


متضاد کلمات مشخص شده را از ستون مقابل انتخاب کنید. ( یک کلمه اضافی است).(1)

A                                                                                       B                                            

1. The problem was difficult to solve.                              a. hot

2. Winter is colder than autumn.                                    b. beautiful

                                                                                         c. easy


مناسب تر ین گزینه را برای کامل کردن جملات زیر انتخاب کنید.

1. Mary -----------play the piano last year.

   a. couldn"t           b. can"t                     c. shouldn"t                 d. mustn"t

2. It isn"t easy ---------------- in the dark.

   a. walk                b. walking               c. to walk                    d. walked

3. The car is ------------- the bicycle.

   a. oldest             b. as old                    c. old as                       d. older than

4. This garden is -------------------- of all.

   a. as small as         b. smaller than      c. the smallest              d. small


پاسخ صحیح سؤالات قسمت A  را از قسمت B  انتخاب کنید. یک پاسخ اضافی است(3)

                    A                                                                            B                          

1. Where is Jack from?                                 a. Oh, never mind.

2. What does your father do?                       b. Glad to meet you, Mary.

3. How many are there in your class?          c. He is a doctor.

4. I"d like to meet my friend, Mary.              d. That"s David.

5. Can I use your car?                                  e. He is from Turkey.

6. Who"s that?                                                f. Seven.

                                                                       g. Just a moment, please.


به سوالات زیر با توجه به تصاویر پاسخ کامل دهید(2)


1. Is Jim as fat as Bob?


    No, ........................................... .




.Is the water in the pan cold? 2



متن زیر را به دقت بخوانید وبا توجه به آن به سؤالات زیر پاسخ دهید.(3)

We have a big and beautiful park in our city. It has a lot of trees, flowers and benches. Old people sit on the benches and talk. There are large places for playing tennis, volleyball and football. Young men come to the park and they usually play football there. Children love this park because they can play a lot there. They are happy in the park.


1. What does the park have?

2. What can you play there?


    4. Young men don"t like the park.                               A. true           B. false

    5. Sometimes, there are some old people in the park.    A. true           B. false